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Early Menopause and Breast Cancer Risk

Early Menopause And Breast Cancer Risk

What is Menopause?

Menopause is the period that marks the end of a woman’s menstrual cycle for good. It is a natural biological process that involves several physical symptoms. These include hot flashes, sleep irregularities, and low energy. Menopause is diagnosed after a woman has gone twelve months without a menstrual period. This process usually occurs for women between the ages of forty-five and fifty-five. But, it can occur earlier. But, does this affect breast cancer risk?

Menopause is early when it occurs before the age of forty-five. Early menopause has the same signs and symptoms as menopause. The only real difference is that it occurs much earlier. We understand the process can be physically and emotionally taxing. The good news is there are treatment options to make it much smoother. 

Breast Cancer and Early Menopause

It’s important to understand that early menopause is not directly linked to an increased risk of developing breast cancer. The relationship may seem like it has a causal link. However, the risk of cancer increases with age, and menopause also occurs later in a woman’s life. They can often occur during the same period or consecutively. This does not mean that one causes the other or that they are directly related. Instead, it is merely a coincidence in timing. 

What are the Risk Factors for Breast Cancer?

It’s important to remember that even if you have some of the risk factors, it does not mean you will develop breast cancer. It’s also true that you can develop breast cancer even if you don’t have any of the risk factors. Below you will find the two most common risk factors for breast cancer.

  • Age: 95% of women who develop breast cancer are over forty, and 50% are sixty-one or older.
  • Family History: The risk is higher for those who have an immediate family member who has had breast cancer.

Below are some more risk factors that could increase your chances of getting breast cancer. 

  • Children: You are at a higher risk if you have never had children. Additionally, your risk is higher if you had your first child after thirty. 
  • Weight: For those who are overweight or obese, especially after menopause, the risk is higher.
  • Menstrual Cycle: Starting your menstrual cycle before age twelve places a woman at a higher risk. 
  • Menopause: Late menopause, after the age of fifty-five, can also place a woman at a higher risk. 
  • Cancer: A history of ovarian, uterine, colon cancer, or even cancer in one breast can impact a woman’s risk.

Treatment for Early Menopause

One of the most effective treatments for early menopause is bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). BHRT uses bioidentical hormones that are identical to the molecules produced in your own body to assist in the process of menopause. The methods of administration depend on the specific type of hormone treatment and the unique medical needs of the patient. The therapy can drastically help with the unwanted symptoms of menopause. Starting this treatment once you experience the symptoms of menopause has shown significant benefits for women.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy in Los Angeles, California

If you are experiencing the signs and symptoms of menopause, contact Hormone Replacement Therapy Los Angeles. They provide Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy, which can drastically improve your life. Many of the unwanted side effects caused by menopause can be lightened. 

Dr. David Nazarian and his team of experts are eager to help each patient get back to feeling like themselves again. He specializes in hormone replacement therapy and is one of the most trusted doctors in the area. Contact Hormone Replacement Therapy Los Angeles today for a consultation. Their staff is happy to assist you and get you back to feeling like yourself again!

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