
What Does Uncontrollable Mood Swings Tell About Your Health?

Uncontrollable Mood Swings and Your Health Hormone Replacement Therapy

Are you experiencing a roller-coaster of emotion? In the morning, you are jovial; in the afternoon, a terrible temper or terror is consuming you. Does it sound familiar?

If yes, you are suffering mood swings. Mood swings are the drastic and dramatic changes of your emotion, sometimes for no specific reason. People often experience mood swings, and they are not a matter of concern as long as they are not interfering with your personal and professional life.

However, if you experience mood swings regularly that affect your daily life, it can be a health issue. In that concern, make an appointment with your doctor. Dr. David Nazatian at Hormone Replacement Therapy, LA, is an expert physician who can assist you in managing your mood and mind.

What Are Mood Swings?

Mood swings are the abrupt, dramatic changes in your emotion. One moment you are happy; the next, you are utterly upset or full of fury.

Sometimes few triggering reasons may cause your shifting mood. However, mood swings often occur without any specific or apparent logic. Often your medical or mental condition can trigger your mood swings. Whatever the reasons, the rapidly fluctuating emotion severely disrupts your life: your relationship, career, and personal and professional life.

What Does Uncontrollable Mood Swings Tell About Your Health

Several reasons may cause your sudden mood swing. It can be your workload, a stressful environment, lack of sleep, excessive use of drugs or alcohol, or relationship turmoil. Experiencing mood swings from time to time due to these reasons is common. However, if they are intense, frequent, and life-disrupting, health issues can be the source of your mood swings.

Medical Condition

Medical conditions can be the reason for your mood swings. When a health issue directly affects your central nervous system or disrupts the oxygen and nutrients delivery in the brain, you may experience mood swings. Few of the underlying health issues that can cause your changing mood are-

  • Brain tumor
  • Diabetes
  • Dementia
  • Stroke
  • Lung and cardiovascular disease
  • Meningitis
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Huntington’s disease
  • Head injury
  • Medication side effects
  • Puberty
  • Seasonal allergies
  • Sleep disorders
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Psychiatric Situation

Mood swings are primarily normal, often severe if it occurs due to a health issue. However, your mood swings can indicate the symptoms of your mental illness too.

Bipolar Disorder

Mood swing is the primary symptoms of bipolar disorder. In this condition, Your emotion can fluctuate from super happy to super sad. However, if you have bipolar disorder, you may encounter mood swings few times a year, not frequently or constantly. You may also face other symptoms like excess talking, excess energy, extreme irritability, being prone to risky behavior, and insomnia.

Cyclothymic Disorder

Cyclothymic disorder, aka cyclothymia, is similar to bipolar disorder that may lead to extreme mood swings. However, the rise and fall of mood are less intense than bipolar disorder in this condition.

Major Depressive Disorder

Major depressive disorder, aka clinical depression or MDD, is a condition where you suffer sadness for a long time.

People suffering from MDD may encounter drastic changes in their mood, from extreme sadness to angry eruption. This condition is dangerous because often, MDD patients turn to suicide with an aggressive death wish.

Personality Disorder

Personality disorder often brings mood swings with its symptoms. A person is suffering from an emotional disorder experiences a shift in mood within a short period.

Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder

Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder or DMDD is a psychological condition in children with extreme irritability, anger, and frequent, intense temper outbursts. The child with DMDD is not just a moody child. Instead, it’s a critical medical condition that requires clinical attention.


Dysthymia is a chronic form of depression that is also termed persistent depressive disorder or PDD. People suffering from this condition encounter extreme sadness and hopelessness for a long time. This condition may cause other symptoms like fatigue, confusion, low self-esteem, difficulty sleeping, less energy, and anxiety.

Hormonal Health

The main reason for mood swings is often unknown. However, moods are the interaction of chemicals in the brain. So they may occur due to any imbalances in these chemicals. Here come hormones.

Hormones affect the chemistry of the brain that can trigger shifts in your mood. Sometimes, due to hormonal imbalance, especially estrogen, you may experience excessive mood swings. Women, in general, experience dramatic mood swing for hormonal levels in their bodies. Either it’s pregnancy or menopause, women suffer uncontrollable mood swings.

Mood Swings and Women

What do uncontrollable mood swings tell about your health, especially about females? Many health conditions may trigger mood swings in women.

Premenstrual syndrome

Premenstrual syndrome, aka PMS, is a condition women experience 1 to 2 weeks before the menstrual cycle. Research suggests that days and weeks before the period, your body’s estrogen level fluctuate dramatically that level out days after the menstrual cycle begins. This rise and fall of estrogen may affect your mood, behavior, and reaction. With mood swings, PMS causes other symptoms like fatigue, depression, bloating, and many more.

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder, aka PMDD, is a rare but critical PMS that many women face during childbearing age.

This condition includes few severe symptoms like extreme mood swings, depression, extreme irritability, and many more that you can’t treat only with lifestyle treatment. One often needs a combination of stress management, dietary changes, and medications to treat this condition.


Puberty may cause excessive unexplained emotional reactions in people’s life. Puberty is the period when a child develops adulthood. In puberty, both boys and girls face several changes in their bodies as well as minds. Girls usually develop breasts and encounter the starting of periods.


Hormonal changes in pregnancy are inevitable. So, drastic and dramatic fluctuation of mood is unavoidable for any pregnant woman. In addition, the physical changes and emotional stress that a woman faces during pregnancy often leads to severe, unexplained, and intense mood swings.


Menopause is a significant transition in a woman’s life. It’s the time when the menstrual cycle stops permanently for you. During this period, the level of estrogen falls rigorously in your body. Due to that, a woman faces several symptoms like hot flashes, insomnia, low libido, and menopause mood swings anger.

Hormone replacement medication helps a great deal to ease the low-estrogen period of your life. If you are experiencing menopausal symptoms, schedule a day at Hormone Replacement therapy, LA, where you will get good care to discover yourself again.

How To Deal With Mood Swings

Mood swings can affect your life drastically. It may cause turmoil in the relationship, disruptive professional life, and career hindrance.

How To Deal With Mood Swings - Hormone Replacement Therapy

If you are experiencing severe, intense, and frequent mood swings, contact your doctor. Your physician will try to detect the source of your condition and treat you accordingly. In addition, your healthcare provider may suggest you a modified lifestyle and dietary plan. Following these and medication, you can fight your mood wing ferociously.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise works as magic not only in managing mood swings but also numerous health benefits. Therefore, get up and keep moving.

Stress Management

Stress is one primary reason for mood swings. If you can’t stop them, learn to manage stress.

Engage yourself in calming activities like yoga, meditation, stress management therapy, creative work, etc.

Having a Healthy Diet

A healthy diet can provide you with many health benefits. Avoid junk foods, and add nutrition to your healthy plate.

Sound and Satisfactory Sleep

Sound sleep means good mood and mind. Pack your plate with fresh fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, lean protein, etc.

Talk It Out And Express Yourself

How to deal with mood swings in a relationship? Talk it out. Communication is the key to a healthy relationship. Therefore, talk and express yourself. In addition, engage yourself in activities that make you feel happy and peaceful.

Final Words

Mood Swing is a condition that you may face due to stress from time to time. However, what if you are experiencing frequent changes of emotion that disrupt your personal and professional life? Is it only stress? What do uncontrollable mood swings tell about your health?

Mood swing is the drastic changes of emotion that can occur for multiple reasons: both mental and physical. However, you can manage your uncontrollable mood with proper treatment, a healthy diet, and a lifestyle.

Contact Hormone Replacement Therapy, Los Angeles, and schedule an appointment. Dr. David Nazarian and his expert team are eager to assist you in detecting the source of your problem and provide treatment accordingly. With their expert assistance, you can soon feel yourself again.

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